Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.



Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.



Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.



Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Workflow for analysis of financial reports

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Example of arithmetics

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Uses Weka webservices to build a J48 tree from the Iris dataset and displays it as a string.

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Uses Weka webservices to build a J48 tree from the Iris dataset and displays it as a string.

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Uses Weka webservices to build a J48 tree from the Iris dataset and displays it as a string. A 10-fold cross validation is also performed on the tree.

Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Uses Weka webservices to build a J48 tree from the Iris dataset and displays it as a string. A 10-fold cross validation is also performed on the tree.

Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Workflow for classification of financial reports.

Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Concatenates the strings !!

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


A simple example of concatenating strings.

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


An example of a decision support workflow using the Weighted Sum Model.

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


An example of a decision support workflow using the Weighted Sum Model.

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Extracts terminology and definitions from a domain text in Slovene and English. It implements 3 methods for definition extraction: lexico-syntactic patterns, WordNet based extraction and knowledge-rich context (terminology-based) extraction that can be used individually or combined. (More details in: Pollak et al. 2012, Informatica). Some modifications of TermExtraction widget were performed later (i.e. the top term cut-offs)

Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


This workflow implements the term and definition extraction on a corpus of documents with three methods developed by Senja Pollak et al. The results of the methods are merged and displayed. Note that a new version will be available in the following days!

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


The definition extraction workflow extracts domain terminology and a set of definition candidates from domain corpus in Slovene or English. The definition extraction is based on three different methods: the pattern-based, the term-based and the wordnet-based definition extraction method.

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


The definition extraction workflow extracts domain terminology and a set of definition candidates from domain corpus in Slovene or English. The definition extraction is based on three different methods: the pattern-based, the term-based and the wordnet-based definition extraction method.

Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


You can also delay the execution of your workflows. This example shows how.

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


This is an example of the first two use cases for the medical informatics platform of the Human Brain project.

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Interactive microarray experiment on GSE2990 breast cancer dataset done in two consecutive subgroup discovery steps: first a standard subgroup discovery is applied to find interesting groups of patients in terms of gene expression and then the subgroup chosen by the user is explained via GO/KEGG concepts. Lastly, genes covered by the explanations are used to query Biomine.

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Motivational example of explaining subgroups. A synthetic dataset of bank customers is used to demonstrate the use of the methodology.

Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Loops through a list of integers and multiplies each one by two.

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Example of using Hedwig on a small example.

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


This is a copy of the HinMine methodology workflow applied on the IMDB data set.

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Extracted ICCC terminology

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Example of using Aleph on the Michalski trains dataset.

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Example of using Aleph on the Michalski trains dataset.

Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Example of propositionalizing the Michalski trains dataset using RSD and then building a decision tree using Weka services.

Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Attempting to use RSD for feature construction.

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Example of propositionalizing the Michalski trains dataset using RSD by reading it from a MySQL database and then building a decision tree using Weka services.

Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Example of propositionalizing the Michalski trains dataset using RSD by reading it from a MySQL database and then building a decision tree using Weka services.

Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.



Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Workflow for sentiment analysis of Italian texts. It takes csv file (first row should be column names) as an input and returns csv file with extra column containing sentiment labels for texts. It also shows some stats about the chosen csv column.

Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Identify the natural group in a data set

Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Data flow diagram

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


A simple example of concatenating strings.

Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


The second MUSE workflow prototype for the children story use case (Tuk the hunter)

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


A precomputed version of the second MUSE workflow prototype for the children story use case (Tuk the hunter). This version is for testing purposes only because the mapping to knowledge representation widget always returns the same mapping (the real version is very slow because the problem domain of the search is huge).

Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


This workflow loads the Iris dataset from the UCI repo, transforms it into an Orange Data Table, builds a classifier using Classification Tree and applies the classifier in the test dataset. Moreover, it performs cross validation (10-fold) and calculates the classification accuracy.

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Extraction of definitions from Slovene and English based on lexico-syntactic patterns (more details in Pollak et al., Informatica 2012).

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Loads training and test dataset differently. Trains Naive Bayes Classifier using training set and tried to apply classifier to test dataset. However, APPLY CLASSIFIER DOES NOT WORK.

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


dime el formato

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Example of propositionalizing the Michalski trains dataset using RSD by reading it from a MySQL database and then building a decision tree using Weka services.

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Example of using SDM-Aleph on a toy example with three ontologies.

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Example of using SDM-SEGS on a toy example with three ontologies.

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


This workflow utilizes the new semantic data mining system SDM-SEGS which can be used to discover subgroup descriptions from ranked data as well as from class labeled data with the use of input OWL ontologies.

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Example of using SDM-SEGS on Prem's toy data.

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


A basic SegMine workflow which loads the hMSC data (from, ranks the genes, cut off those with logFC close to 0, runs SEGS and puts the some genes into Biomine search to show an example network.

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Example of arithmetics

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Uses WEKA webservices to cross validate Naive Bayes on the Iris dataset.

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Based on the jobs dataset.

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


This workflow takes the Iris dataset and builds a Naive bayes classifier from it.

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Alignment of Slovenian and English terminology extracted from the comparable corpus. For terminology alignment, we use an adaptation of the approach proposed by Aker(2013)

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Alignment of Slovenian and English terminology extracted from the comparable corpus. For terminology alignment, we use an adaptation of the approach proposed by Aker(2013)

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Extracting terminology from a text corpus in English or Slovene. (More information in Pollak et al., 2012 (Konvens)). Integrates and develops over term extracion by Vintar (2010) and linguistic annotation by T. Erjavec (2011).

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Extracting terminology from a text corpus in English or Slovene. (More information in Pollak et al., 2012 (Konvens)). Integrates and develops over term extracion by Vintar (2010) and linguistic annotation by T. Erjavec (2011). For terminology alignment, we use an adaptation of the approach proposed by Aker(2013)

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


An example workflow using the ToTrTaLe web-service for tokenization, morphosyntactic annotation and lemmatization.

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Experiment Description

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Word cloud of virtual reality articles

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.



Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Classification applying WEKA's Random Forest to the IRIS UCI dataset

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


We try to get a wordified dataset of chemicals originated as a relational structure.

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By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

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By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.

Try it out

By clicking the button below you will create a copy of this workflow and will be able to edit it, run it or just look at it without harming the original.


Try it live

By clicking on the button below you will launch the workflow and be able to run it or edit it.